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Hi, I’m David, a student at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. I have done a research on how to make an Art Bible during the realization of my second college career project.

Before starting the description of this research, I would like to mention the web pages Pixel Cup, Game Art Bible which contain very complete information on the subject and the GDC conferences that have provided me with many examples of the current industry. I encourage you to visit their pages.

What’s an Art Bible?

An Art Bible is a document created by the Art Director created after the Game Design Document (GDD) and before any art production. This document contains the idea of art that will appear in our videogame, keep consistency in all the artistic elements of the game, help the team get an idea of the game that is going to be done and establish a series of guidelines in order to answer any questions during the artistic process.

Principal Objectives

Tips This guide helps yourself but also the reason why this document is made has a serie of objectives that it tries to fulfill:

Modifications Steps Rules


Content of an Art Bible

Here are some examples of Art Bibles that I have found The Trip / Liberated Pixel Cup

Finding information about Art Bibles I concluded that to have a good Art Bible must be 5 basic sections:


Before starting to establish an art style, we should first look for references of elements similar to what we intend to achieve. The main sources to which to look for references would be:


2.Art style

Once we have obtained our references, we have to apply an identifiable set of characteristics that allow us to group a series of works or authors, which will share stable elements in terms of their form and contents. In these elements we must take into account:

Character Art. What elements stand out in our characters. In this section we take into account elements such as expresions, poses, physical construction, costumes, animations…

Base Characters

Atmosphere/environment. As with our characters, we must choose how to organize the environment of the entire game. Props and other objects, architectural proportions, climate, time period, openness and animations are examples of important sections that need explanation.

environment Environment

L.O.D /Level of details. Depending on the artistic style chosen, you have to take into account the level of detail you want to reach. For example, a videogame centered on a cartoon style will not demand a level of detail equal to a realistic style videogame. The points taken into account in the level of detail are:


Scale. It is important to take into account the proportions of each of the elements of our game. Still there are videogames that, to improve the player experience, sacrifice a realistic scale to put one of the most optimal.

Scale Scale

Camera. The decision we make when positioning our camera will determine our story sequences, the field of view, gameplay angle and character position and the lights and shadows in game. That will modify all the art of the game.

Shadows Light

Texture & surface.It is usually a section that is only written in 3D games. However, its highlights would be the predominant color of the texture, the ambient occlusion, the color map done in color layers and the graphic patterns, to add some details/effects to the texture.

1 2 3 4

3. Color Palette

As I mentioned before, color is one of the most important artistic factors. It is very useful to leave a pragmatic image to the player. That’s the reason why we designate a set of colors suitable for the decoration of a certain element so that it is in tune with the rest. In this section it is important to write elements like hues, saturation and vibrance&values.

Palette Palette 2 environment

4. User interface

The differences of detail in narrative, gameplay and UI. Sometimes different levels of detail are used for certain things in a videogame. That’s why you have to decide the whole artistic section of the UI separately, besides taking into account elements such as fonts, animations and the menu items and hud.


5. Technical Guidelines

Writing the most technical part of the document. It is a section that is used especially for groups. Even so, today you usually leave a record of the tools with which you have built a certain element. The points of interest to write in this section would be:


Thanks for reading this research. I hope it will be usdful for your future projects.

